Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall on 13 February 2007
Present: Mrs P Harrison Vice Chairman & Treasurer
Mrs D Collins Secretary
Rev J Spriggs
Mr P Williams Parish meeting
Mrs M Exton Ladies' Club
The meeting opened at 8.05 pm.
APOLOGIES: There were apologies from Mr R Bridges, Miss A Hobbs, Mrs A Roberts,
Mr N Thomas & Mrs F Twilley
The minutes of the previous committee meeting held on 28 November 2006 were
approved and signed by the Vice Chairman, as a true and correct record.
There were no matters arising.
03/07 TREASURER’S REPORT (Minute35/06 refers):
Present balance is £ 310.84 in the Money Master account
£ 2075.81 in the current account
£ 23.72 in Cash
Total £ 538.65
Plus £42,000 in Nottingham Building Society.
Mrs Harrison reported that we had the bills to pay for the cubicles and toilet
flooring coming soon which accounts for the present amount in the current
account. The £3000 taken from the Building Society is to cover these bills
and the £1500 promised for the new cooker, £1359.99 of which has now
been paid out, the remaining £140.01 will be sent as soon as possible.
04/07 REPORTS FROM SUBCOMMITTEES: (Minute 36/06 refers):
Fund-Raising: It was agreed to take a rest from fund-raising and concentrate
on the work to be done with part of Mr Leeson's generous donation.
Maintenance: The fire extinguishers and emergency lights will be tested on
20 February 2007.
The new floors and cubicles are now installed in all the toilets and are a definite
The new cooker is much admired but the installation proved more expensive
than we were led to believe. The minute 36/06 on 28 November 2006 shows
that the committee agreed to spend £1500 on buying and fitting the cooker and
now agreed that this decision would be upheld. It was suggested that the Social
Club may reimburse Mr Connolly-Heywood for the difference, since they are
gaining benefit from it. Thanks were expressed by the committee to all those
in the Social Club who had worked so hard restoring the kitchen to good
condition after the disruption of the installation.
04/07 Mrs Harrison will write to Mr Connolly-Heywood enclosing the cheque and Mr Williams will contact him to explain. PETER
Mr Alex Barbour is no longer involved in the painting and decorating business
and Mrs Collins is now getting quotes from three other painters and decorators
for redecorating the whole of the hall except the kitchen.
Emily Crawford is cleaning for us now. She works for 2 hours on a Sunday
afternoon at a rate of £5.00 an hour and is doing very satisfactory work.
After the last meeting closed it was suggested that Mrs Collins should ask
Mr M Wardle to have an informal look at the hall to point out anything
that needed maintenance. This he kindly agreed to do and, as they went round
discussed the possibility of replacing the wooden single glazed windows with
high security double glazed UPVC. Mr Wardle recommended this, as it would
save on maintenance as well as being more secure. He does not supply such
windows himself but said the ones he buys and fits would be about £3000 to
£3500 at a rough estimate. He is too busy to tender for the job. The Rev Spriggs
recommended the firm he used about 5 years ago who supply a good product
and proved efficient and pleasant with the installation. He had done a lot of research
before choosing this firm, Starglaze of Lincoln, and Mrs Collins asked them to
quote for replacing all the windows. The price for replacing like for like but
high security double-glazed with rosewood grained UPVC is £2 698. The
committee agreed that this should be done and asked Mrs Collins to arrange it. DEIRDRE the Portable Appliance Testing will be carried out by the end of February.
Mrs Collins is waiting for a date from Planet Group.
The committee agreed that it will reduce the annual rent of the Social Club by
the amount of one third of the interest received each year from the capital in the
Nottingham Building Society. This will come into effect once we have received
the interest.
The committee discussed the accumulation of rubbish in the store cupboard and
Mr Williams undertook to see what could be done about it. He had attended a
meeting with SKDC to argue for the retention of the annual visit of the freighter
which would have provided a solution but was told Health & Safety Rules preclude
the Council from providing this amenity. However if a village can afford to hire one
privately there are no health & safety issues involved!
05/07 SECRETARY'S CORRESPONENCE: (Minute 37/06 refers)
The Land Registry has now changed the Vesting Trustee to the Official Custodian,
but has retained our name & address as the management committee.
06/07 ANY OTHER BUSINESS: (Minute 40/06 refers)
a) Mrs Collins asked Mrs Twilley if she could be the deputy Booking Clerk, but
she was unable to take it on. After asking around Mr Connolly-Heywood
agreed to stand in when she was away. The arrangement is the booking clerk is Deirdre
on 01476 585618. If she is out when you ring please leave a message. If this is not answered
in a day or so she may be on holiday. In this case if it is urgent please ring Trevor or Denise
on 01476 585691. They should be able to tell you if the hall is already booked for that date and,
if not, take the details for passing to Deirdre - or arrange to let you in on the day if necessary.
06/07 b) Rather than physically move the light switches in the club room Mr Smith is arranging to have the lights switched by a remote. He has already got two of the wall lights on this system and hopes to extend it. Thank you. Keith.
The AGM will be held on Wednesday 18 April 2007 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall,
the next Committee Meeting will follow on when the AGM finishes.
The meeting closed at 9.25 pm.